Have you ever been locked inside a bathroom? Yeah, me either....until yesterday morning.
I went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day locking the door behind me. To lock the door, one just pushes the knob in and turns it to the right. Easy enough.
Upon finishing my shower and shave I went to leave the bathroom. I simultaneously kept walking forward as I turned the knob to the left. The door remained closed as I continued to walk into the door, hitting my face.
I looked down and the door knob was stuck in the locked position. Usually, the knob will automatically pop out when turned...but for whatever the reason it wouldn't pop out.
I wiggled, twisted, pulled and pushed to get the door unlocked with no success. I looked out the window to see if there was any tree branches I could climb out on. No branches.
It doesn't help that I live on the third floor. Forgetting the window idea, I went back to the door and gave it a few turns in hopes it would unlock. It still didn't unlock, but I did notice two Phillip screws that were holding the knob onto the door. After noticing the screws, I began to ransack the bathroom in hopes of finding something to unscrew the screws.
In my little fingernail kit I found a little thing. I don't even know what the heck it's called....or what it's even used for. (See picture)
It's a cross between a pocket knife and a bottle opener. With this handy little tool, I unscrewed the screws....took off the door knob....and (15 minutes later) freed myself from the bathroom prison.
Thank goodness for Nail clipping sets that have this random pocket knife/bottle opener!